I really liked getting letters from you and other family at the MTC! I felt so loved- I think I got the most letters out of everyone! :) Feel free to send letters and packages.... its kind of lonely out here. I mean in the MTC I was surrounded by other missionaries all the time and I loved my district so much. Now it's just me and Sister Vanderhoff. She's great, but we are very different so its kind of hard. Plus I am trying to learn how to be more spiritual and talk about my feelings and testimony but I am not used to it so its hard. The last few days I've struggled, but I think it'll get better. I just have faced the fact that I am here to stay now and will grow to like it. It's hard coming from the MTC with everyone having the spirit to here I guess.
On the plane I sat by Elder Davis both times. He is so awesome. We got to know each other well and I really admire his obedience and willingness to serve, his heart is in the right place. I miss my district. I miss Sister Sutton a lot-- she's the pretty blonde from Arizona and let me just tell you, she is amazing! So different than what I though she'd be like. I hope to be her companion someday. I miss Sister Stapley too. Sister Faalaulau was great as well, I finally got her name down before I left! (fa-ah-la-oo-la-oo).
I love Tampa, the weather is great right now and the people are great. The first night I got here they sent us on the campus of University of Southern Florida to talk to people. It was scary, but fun! And I got to have Panda Express :)
Is baby Morgan born yet?!?!?!?! I need info!!!!!!! And a picture!!!!!!!
I did pick up a schedule from the Provo temple, by the way. Thank you for getting the Ogden one! I think that's all my temples so far! I will be able to go to the Orlando temple at least once this year, don't know when.
I am sorry that I couldn't call from the airport. Atlanta didn't have any payphones and when we got to Tampa, the mission president was already waiting. I feel really bad. I now have a calling card I got for $10 that is unused so I guess if skype doesn't work on Mother's day, I can use that. :)
Today in personal study I studied Moroni chapter 10. It is awesome. Verse 32 is my favorite because the Lord says if you do this, then you will receive this. It has helped me a ton. Well, I have been a good daughter and wrote you a ton! I probably won't write a letter now this week unless I forgot something and I have time. Thank you for all that you do, love you! Let me know when you go back to Oregon.
Sister Morgan
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