That's a quote I heard in church yesterday and I loved it.
Another quote I read this week was one on obedience by President Benson.
"When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that
moment God will endow us with power."
moment God will endow us with power."
As I was pondering over this, it made me reflect on my life but more specifically my mission. I have truly come to live the principle of obedience to God. People think that everything is just full of rules in the church. That we aren't free to do what we want. Its completely opposite. We have the gift of agency and we have these "rules" or commandments set to keep us safe because God knows all the temptations out there, trying to get us because we are free. I have seen in own life times when I didn't do what was right and I have faced consequences because of it. I have also seen times on my mission that I have been obedient and diligent in my calling as a representative of Christ and because of this, I was blessed. I am happier when I am keeping the commandments and putting my faith and trust in the Lord. I'm definitely not perfect, but I have the understanding now that commandments are made so God has the excuse to bless us when we follow them. Its really simple, we just make it complicated. He has a plan for us and lays the map out, wide open, on the table. Obedience is a law of Heaven, we need to learn it now because it will continue on past the grave.
This past week we had zone conference, our last one most likely with President Cusick. :( He pulled a few of us going home after him (new mission President starts in July 2016) to a room and gave us some important advice on returning home from the mission. I look up to him with great respect for his calling and experience. He will be missed.
Also, I found out that Sister Judkins is going home with my transfer now! So crazy but I am happy! That definitely means though that we won't be together until the end of our missions because this area won't be white-washed again.
Ryleigh is doing well, she is set to be baptized on Saturday!!!! So excited. We also have Gladys Knight's devotional of Saints Unified Voices coming on Friday. Yes, I will be able to see her live and she will be bearing her testimony of Jesus Christ and why she joined the Mormon church. SOOO excited, I hope I don't get transferred!
Anyways, love you all. I know I am where I am suppose to be!
Sister Morgan
Sorry, not many photos this week...
Cute old house
We went to a young woman's powderpuff game this week, it was fun!
Jimmy Johns!!!!! This is for mom! :)
(She thinks this is funny....sending me a pic every time she goes to Jimmy Johns!!!
However, I get a pic of my darling daughter and no calories! :-P)
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